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Notice to Copyright Holders or their Attorneys

Yes, I know that my half-assed Songbooks contain copyrighted lyrics, and yes, I will acquiesce to your “take - down” letter when I receive it, and yes, I understand the hypocrisy of putting a stern copyright notice on your own works while ripping off the works of others, but let’s be reasonable here ... I’m not receiving any money at all, I clearly give credit to the original artists, and the transcriptions are not really even that accurate. Plus, they’re only used for private, noncommercial exhibitions.

Failing that, they’re all parodies, which then puts me on safe legal ground.

So, please, save a little bit of paper, and let me be. Especially if you’re the dreaded Harry Fox Agency or the evil Moses & Singer, L.P., the destroyers of “fair-use” policies for aspiring musicians everywhere.


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